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古典音乐解说: 舒伯特 - A大调钢琴五重奏 「鳟鱼」 (希普门) Classics Explained: SCHUBERT - Piano Quintet in A Major, 'Trout' (Siepmann)

类别: 浪漫主义时期 室内乐

关键词: 浪漫主义时期,舒伯特,室内乐

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所属作品名称(英):An Introduction to … SCHUBERT: Piano Quintet "Trout"

所属专辑(英):Classics Explained: SCHUBERT - Piano Quintet in A Major, 'Trout' (Siepmann)

所属专辑(中):古典音乐解说: 舒伯特 - A大调钢琴五重奏 「鳟鱼」 (希普门)





Introduction, origins Imagery, analogy an... The unusual presence of the double-bass A palette of tone... Trouble getting off... Jumping the queue:... Mozart demonstrates... Destination clarified Mozart confirms our arrival. A Schubertian shocker from a later work Rejoining the 'Trout', with a reminder The piano joins th... A rhythmic motto: the 'triplet motif' We get it here. We get it there. We find it everywh... The strings' answer... The two-part struct... ...but scarcely ever the same way twice The piano and stri... Conversation as the... Opening (introductor... The violin and dou... The violin and piano swap roles. Transition to secon... On the threshold of the new theme Second main theme ... The abandonment of... A surprising change... A return to lyrici... A buoyant, skipping... Re-entry of the st... A transitional them... We sense the immin... A sudden, hushed k... The exposition comes to an end. Cue to complete exposition Music: exposition complete Introduction to the... The contrasting aur... The ponderous doubl... The strings are li... A joyful conversati... The piano takes the melodic lead again. A conversation betw... ...but Schubert gets it 'wrong'. Music: first movement (complete) Introduction to second movement The violin now takes theme one. The piano regains the theme. The violin and pia... A major change of... The piano abandons... The sun returns wi... An evaporating dial... A major mood change as twilight falls Cue to whole movement Music: second movement (complete) Introduction to the... ...'answered' by two two-bar phrases A disconcerting 'echo' Expectation, frustration and surprise The phrase length ... The beginning of the second half... ...or should it go... Doubts are sown as... A varied reprise o... A conversational st... Another Schubertian phrase extension Two overlapping phr... The piano adds a ... The overlaps contin... Another Schubertian... A dramatic transformation of mood Awakening from a d... Cue to complete Scherzo Music: third movement (complete) Enter the trout, a... Music: 'Die Forelle' Back to the Quinte... The first variation The second variation The third variation The fourth variation, part one The fourth variation, part two The fifth variation The final variation... The final variation... The final variation... The final variation... The final variation... Music: fourth movement (complete) Introduction to the... Easily overlooked: ... Contrasts of timbre and register A repetition, and yet not a repetition A journey begun; t... The journey completed The source of musical gravity Music: saint-saens ... A scale of shifting tensions Music: Beethoven, S... Back to Schubert The piano embellish... A retrospective moment Repetition more apparent then real A taste of phrase rhythm Shifting patterns of accentuation The section reviewed An increasingly sop... More phrase rhythm A repetition from the strings... ...and an answer from the piano In transition to the secondary key The origin of the second theme The second main theme The closing section... The question repeat... First theme of closing section reviewed Remembrance of things past The piano and stri... Emergence of the final theme An unexpected thunderstorm The sound of silence Cue to complete Finale Music: Finale (Complete)