收藏| 推荐| 标注| 标签 | 笔记 | 分享 | 古典音乐解说: 史特拉汶斯基 - 春之祭 (希普门) Classics Explained: STRAVINSKY - The Rite of Spring (Siepmann)
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所属作品名称(英):Classics Explained: STRAVINSKY - The Rite of Spring (Siepmann)
所属专辑(英):Classics Explained: STRAVINSKY - The Rite of Spring (Siepmann)
所属专辑(中):古典音乐解说: 史特拉汶斯基 - 春之祭 (希普门)
Introduction, backgr...
A gentle, other-wor...
Music as mosaic; t...
Two functions of m...
...or disrupting it...
A stealthy entry (clarinets)
Detour: the destabi...
On melodies, themes and motifs
The new cor anglais motif dominates
The oboe's rhythmic motif takes over
A primeval awakening
A panoply of Stravinskyan birdsong
A matter of mode
Cue to Introduction
Introduction (complete)
Part I: The Adorat...
The great arrival: bitonality
Putting the boot in: a metrical mugging
The prevalence of ...
Metre restores (bri...
The musical savages routed
An important new a...
Another new theme from the horns
A crowded conclusion
A real study in contrasts
Panic and pandemoni...
Climactic melee haunted by 'fear motif'
Suddenly another wo...
...but a transient...
'Dragging feet moti...
'Marching motif' de...
A trilling commenta...
'Marching motif' th...
An unexpected chang...
And an unexpected ...
Violent onslaught f...
Rival Tribes, rival motifs
Sensational violence...
Effects, impressions and alteration
A surprise re-entry...
A thinning of text...
The new idea devel...
The use of tone c...
An unusual climax...
...and a sinister transition
Across the threshol...
A sudden silence and then another world
Catapulted into the...
Tiny changes, unyie...
Cue to Part I complete
Part I (complete)
Again a muted, subtly coloured start
Tone colour as atm...
Four solo violas, ...
A pregnant pause, ...
Motif from the Int...
New motif, heralded...
Variant of Motif N...
Continued by oboes...
Main motifs yield ...
All change - direc...
Motif No. 1 return...
Texture, balance an...
Instrumental enrichm...
New derivative of ...
Into the finishing...
Putting the movemen...
Mystic Circles of ...
On into one of th...
The violence is al...
Motif No. 2: a te...
The air is filled...
A variant of Motif...
A study in the br...
The middle section...
Against the odds, ...
In the midst of t...
...and undergoes a...
A much-needed breat...
Glorification of th...
The next movement ...
The second statemen...
At last the establ...
A counterpoint of ...
Horns introduce the...
The motif disappear...
A change of mood,...
The steady pulse g...
Lately abandoned, t...
The movement ends ...
Evocation of the A...
The last movement ...
The second motif i...
Two variants: one ...
A new section, aga...
This is joined by...
Tension dramatically...
Motif No. 2 is pa...
...and is twice interrupted by horns
Motif No. 1 erupts...
New ostinato, over...
A new section, kic...
Horns, doubled by ...
The return of the...
Dramatic compression...
A terrifying cockta...
...and leads to th...
Cue to all of Part II and end of CD
Part II (complete)